Friday, November 29, 2019

9 amazing powers of SEO Essay Example

9 amazing powers of SEO Essay Example 9 amazing powers of SEO Essay 9 amazing powers of SEO Essay SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a crucial part in the success of your online website. If you have a website then you must make sure that it is Search Engine optimized, so that your products and services show up on the top of online searches. SEO plays a significant part in online marketing tactics, and generates greater footfalls and subsequently higher profits for your website. If you ignore SEO aspects, your website business will definitely suffer. SEO can do wonders for generating higher visibility for any website – here are some of the powers of SEO: Brand Recognition If you are floating a website then you should try to make your brand a popular one. SEO helps to establish the brand online. There are many websites across the internet, but all of them are not famous. Strong SEO parameters can make or break your brand. Higher Conversion If you are selling something online, then it is very important that you are able to convert your leads into profits. You have to draw web traffic to your product and convert them into sales and SEO helps with exactly this. The better is the SEO for your page; the higher is the conversion rate of your product. Better Outcome Marketing campaigns and marketing tools are more effective when the SEO or the optimization is done perfectly. You should understand the trends and work out your SEO strategy accordingly. It is important to implement the right SEO strategy on the website. Long Impact A short term effect is never satisfactory and SEO Training can help you understand that all SEO purposes are for long term impact. Any online business is made for better results and SEO makes sure that it passes the test of time. PR Building PR Building is very important for content distribution and the SEO is dependent on the content. Thus stronger is the PR; the better would be PR Building for your page and the product. Reputation Your online existence depends upon your reputation and thus it is important to have a high reputation for your webpage. You must understand the SEO gives you visibility and recognition and that ultimately brings higher recognition. Higher Customer Satisfaction Management rules are all based on customer satisfaction; and the SEO focuses on the same. A strong SEO strategy meets the expectations of the customers and thus attracts and impresses them. It also helps to get long term loyalty from customers. Cost-Effective Solution SEO saves huge costs on other forms of marketing. Digital marketing can enhance your brand, but stronger SEO reduces the cost significantly. There are many digital marketing workshops in India, and if you are in Bangalore, then the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore can give you a better understanding of the subject. Higher ROI The Return of Investment is important for any business and the SEO makes sure that you get the maximum ROI from the market. You can get more by investing less using the SEO techniques. These are the real powers of SEO that can turn around your online business at every stage.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Submit Forms Using TWebBrowser in Delphi

Populate/Submit Forms Using TWebBrowser in Delphi The TWebBrowser Delphi control provides access to the Web browser functionality from your Delphi apps - to allow you to create a customized Web browsing application or to add Internet, file and network browsing, document viewing, and data downloading capabilities to your applications. Web Forms A web form or a form on a web page allows a web page visitor to enter data that is, in most cases, sent to the server for processing. The simplest web form could consist of one input element (edit control) and a submit button. Most web search engines (like Google) use such a web form to allow you to search the internet. More complex web forms would include drop-down lists, check boxes, radio buttons, etc. A web form is much like a standard windows form with text input and selection controls. Every form would include a button - a submit button - that tells the browser to take action on the web form (typically to send it to a web server for processing). Programmatically Populating Web Forms If in your desktop application you use the TWebBrowser to display web pages, you can programmatically control web forms: manipulate, change, fill, populate fields of a web form and submit it. Heres a collection of custom Delphi functions you can use to list all the web forms on a web page, to retrieve input elements, to programmatically populate fields and to finally submit the form. To more easily follow the examples, lets say theres a TWebBrowser control named WebBrowser1 on a Delphi (standard Windows) form. Note: you should add mshtml to your uses clause in order to compile the methods listed here. List Web Form Names, Get a Web Form by Index A web page would in most cases have only one web form, but some web pages might have more than one web form. Heres how to get the names of all the web forms on a web page: function WebFormNames(const document: IHTMLDocument2): TStringList; var   Ã‚  forms : IHTMLElementCollection;   Ã‚  form : IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  idx : integer; begin   Ã‚  forms : document.Forms as IHTMLElementCollection;   Ã‚  result : TStringList.Create;   Ã‚  for idx : 0 to -1 forms.length do   Ã‚  begin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : forms.item(idx,0) as IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  result.Add( ;   Ã‚  end; end; A simple usage to display the list of web form names in a TMemo: var   Ã‚  forms : TStringList; begin   Ã‚  forms : WebFormNames(WebBrowser1.Document AS IHTMLDocument2) ;   Ã‚  try   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  memo1.Lines.Assign(forms) ;   Ã‚  finally   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  forms.Free;   Ã‚  end; end; Heres how to get the instance of a web form by index.  For a single form page the index would be 0 (zero). function WebFormGet(const formNumber: integer; const document: IHTMLDocument2): IHTMLFormElement; var   Ã‚  forms : IHTMLElementCollection; begin   Ã‚  forms : document.Forms as IHTMLElementCollection;   Ã‚  result : forms.Item(formNumber,) as IHTMLFormElement end; Once you have the web form, you can list all the HTML input elements by their name, you can get or set the value for each of the fields, and finally, you can submit the web form. Web pages can host web forms with input elements like edit boxes and drop down lists which you can control and manipulate programmatically from Delphi code. Once you have the web form, you can  list all the HTML input elements by their name: function  WebFormFields(const  document: IHTMLDocument2;  const  formName :  string): TStringList;  var  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  field : IHTMLElement;   Ã‚  fName : string;   Ã‚  idx : integer;  begin  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : WebFormGet(0, WebBrowser1.Document  AS  IHTMLDocument2) ;   Ã‚  result : TStringList.Create;   Ã‚  for  idx : 0  to  -1 form.length  do  Ã‚  begin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  field : form.item(idx, ) as IHTMLElement;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  if  field   nil then  Continue;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  fName :;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  if  field.tagName INPUT  then  fName : (field  as  IHTMLInputElement).name;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  if  field.tagName SELECT  then  fName : (field  as  IHTMLSelectElement).name;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  if  field.tagName TEXTAREA  then  fName : (field  as  IHTMLTextAreaElement).name;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  result.Add(fName) ;   Ã‚  end;  end; When you know the names of the fields on a web form, you can programmatically  get the value  for a single  HTML  field: function  WebFormFieldValue(   Ã‚  const  document: IHTMLDocument2;   Ã‚  const  formNumber : integer;   Ã‚  const  fieldName :  string):  string;  var  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  field: IHTMLElement;  begin  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : WebFormGet(formNumber, WebBrowser1.Document  AS  IHTMLDocument2) ;   Ã‚  field : form.Item(fieldName,) as IHTMLElement;   Ã‚  if  field   nil then  Exit;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName INPUT  then  result : (field  as  IHTMLInputElement).value;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName SELECT  then  result : (field  as  IHTMLSelectElement).value;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName TEXTAREA  then  result : (field  as  IHTMLTextAreaElement).value;  end; An example of usage to get the value of an input field named URL: const  Ã‚  Ã‚  FIELDNAME url;  var  Ã‚  Ã‚  doc :IHTMLDocument2;   Ã‚  fieldValue :  string;  begin  Ã‚  doc : WebBrowser1.Document  AS  IHTMLDocument2;   Ã‚  fieldValue : WebFormFieldValue(doc, 0, FIELDNAME) ;   Ã‚  memo1.Lines.Add(Field : URL, value: fieldValue) ;end; The entire idea would have no value if you would not be able to  fill in web form elements: procedure  WebFormSetFieldValue(const  document: IHTMLDocument2;  const  formNumber: integer;  const  fieldName, newValue:  string) ;  var  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  field: IHTMLElement;  begin  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : WebFormGet(formNumber, WebBrowser1.Document  AS  IHTMLDocument2) ;   Ã‚  field : form.Item(fieldName,)  as  IHTMLElement;   Ã‚  if  field   nil then  Exit;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName INPUT  then  (field  as  IHTMLInputElement).value : newValue;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName SELECT  then  (field  as  IHTMLSelectElement) : newValue;   Ã‚  if  field.tagName TEXTAREA  then  (field  as  IHTMLTextAreaElement) : newValue;  end; Submit  a Web Form Finally, when all the fields are manipulated, you would probably want to submit the web form from Delphi code. Heres how: procedure WebFormSubmit(   Ã‚  const  document: IHTMLDocument2;   Ã‚  const  formNumber: integer) ;  var  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : IHTMLFormElement;   Ã‚  field: IHTMLElement;  begin  Ã‚  Ã‚  form : WebFormGet(formNumber, WebBrowser1.Document  AS  IHTMLDocument2) ;   Ã‚  form.submit;  end; Not All Web Forms Are Open Minded Some web forms might host a captcha image to prevent web pages from being manipulated programmatically. Some web forms might not be submitted when you click the submit button. Some web forms execute JavaScript or some other procedure gets executed handled by the onsubmit event of the web form. In any event, web pages can be controlled programmatically, the only question is how far are you prepared to go?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Modivication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modivication - Essay Example While I have nearly six years expertise in the fields of electronics, programming, and the maintenance of computer devices, I need to learn more information through study at Coventry University. Already I have worked 2 years in the field of electronics equipment repair at an established computer company; this has motivated me towards continuing this path and developing it as a hobby and talent. In my final year of study at Coventry University, I have decided to choose a final year project that will benefit my future business. The project I have chosen includes programming and computer hardware -- the project is a Robot vehicle which is wirelessly controlled by a pc keyboard. The final year project will contribute to experiences that I need to start my own business. I have the ability to control the robot vehicle, and can move it in all directions; in dealing with most electronics devices, measurements, equipments and electrical machines, this experience will qualify me to solve most of the hardware and software problems -- I will be able to easily and efficiently find sound solutions. In addition, I will attain more experience with the created lot of programs and robot models, specifically how to use them to serve the technology field. There are many companies and organizations that require technical knolwedge. Because of their business objectives these corporations are ready to provide material and moral support if the student can provide them expertise, skills, and talent. The student can enable access to these organizations by developing a vision for the future that will guide commercial projects. Im qualified to deal with many electronics problems, as well as micro-electronic devices and possess the ability to create software program codes to control those devices. I also have good experience in electronic crisis management through my years of study and laboratory field work. There is a force pushing me to continue my

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Down the Hatch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Down the Hatch - Essay Example All this made her to remember what happened on the previous day. She and Ingrid her friend was in deep sleep; it was a quirk of fate because nothing can be asleep when the alarms are sounding off. However, it did wake them up because the alarms were a signal that a tornado is in close proximity and not a signal for anything mundane. A possible disaster brings with it a list of things people have to do to save their lives and number one on that list is the flight to a shelter. Hence, acting fast and evacuating all the breathing mortals will save as many lives as possible. That is why both of them ran to the barn but there was no one there, not even the horses although they usually prefer to stay where they are when a disaster strikes them. Only Katrina's dog, Amber, was there; perhaps waiting for her to show up. She didn't want any animal to feel disowned under such circumstances, for she was a caring human being above anything else. Now, she reflected, she had to shelter herself and the other two from the grueling tornado. Katrina let out a peaceful sigh and looks out the window in the living room. She sees no one. Letting her gaze wander towards the sky, she notices that they turn in vivid shades of orange and green just as her eyes fixes on it and the air comes to a standstill. The sheer action seemed like a premonition of some sort. The sinister atmosphere, that resulted, alone was trying to disturb her peaceful and tranquil soul again. An adventure had occurred with Katrina and her girlfriend yesterday; it was surely an intimidating day for her but she had acted in a cool, calm and collective way and had defied all the scariness out of her. The clouds formed a thundering sound and the rain then poured with a renewed energy, Katrina didn't know it was capable of producing. Remembering what to do, Katrina, her girlfriend Ingrid and her dog Amber, took refuge in a strapping shelter situated below that barn's floor. Sited in the barn was a hatch that opened to a safe haven. Katrina and Ingrid were conversing about the vice that tornados seem to bring in the lives. The vice that make a man wonder how God can allow such things to happen to ordinary people out of the blue as they, in their sight, weren't able to do anything extremely dire to evoke the anger in God this bad. They disagreed because Katrina held a firm belief in God and thought of Him as a God and nothing else. It may stir up guilt in her later to think of God in a negative manner. The disparity between their views was mainly due to their different religions. Katrina felt disturbed as she had always tried not to bring up any talk of religions, her or any other's, between them. It only created resentments in such a beautiful relationship. "Once we were late in evacuating all the animals and so lost a couple of horses and since then, Mother tells me we never found their bodies even." Katrina said trying to steer the conversation in a new direction. Thus, they started talking about their favorite animals; Ingrid loved birds but Katrina liked the four-legged creatures better. It was startling just then to observe the discrepancy between the two friends because of the way each of them were responding to the present circumstances. For the reason that where Katrina was a simple Midwestern Christian farm girl; Ingrid was a skittish East Asian Buddhist free willed girl. Tall, lean and wary with a

Monday, November 18, 2019

The History and evolution of health care economics Essay

The History and evolution of health care economics - Essay Example Health care economics is one branch of economics that deals with problems like scarcity in the distribution of health care. A general overview of this study includes social issues in healthcare (alcoholism, smoking), health care system, and allocation of funding to public healthcare. Early studies in this field can be attributed to Kenneth Arrow when he published his article titled â€Å" Uncertainty and the Welfare economics of medical care â€Å" in 1963. Nowadays, numerous researches dwelling on health care economics just shows the importance of this issue to modern living. The study of economics would always be a relationship between supply and demand, and healthcare is no exception to such. First, it must be understood that healthcare is a derived demand since it is affects the result of health and must be directly consumed ( Newhouse, 1996) in order to feel its benefits. Although people would not like the idea of receiving this service, they have no choice when they get sick. In fact, Evans and Stoddart (1990 ) asserts that â€Å"Health care is one the determinants of health and from an economic perspective, it is simply an input into the production of health†. This is the main reason why government should spend on healthcare since healthy citizens are more productive and costs less to society. Even individuals should ideally spend for their own preventive healthcare so they would not get sick thereby reducing downtime in terms of man hours. Unfortunately, people do not prioritize healthcare issues all the time since there are other equally important things to spend for such as food, education and housing. It is only when one’s health is endangered do people pay attention to this issue; thus, people even buy costly medicines when they are really sick. On the other hand, Kowalski’s paper in 2003 revealed that â€Å"medical care and prices have an elastic

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Apply The Theory Of Consumer Behavior To Tea Drinking Marketing Essay

Apply The Theory Of Consumer Behavior To Tea Drinking Marketing Essay With the deepening of research on consumer behavior, people more and more profoundly realize that consumer behavior is an integral whole, is a process, and obtaining and purchasing are just a stage of this process. Therefore, the study of consumer behavior should investigate and understand the evaluation and selection activities of consumers before the obtaining of products and services, and whats more, attention should also be paid to the activities of the use and disposal after the obtain of the products (Elizabeth, 2009). Since consumer behavior is important, research on the theory of consumer behavior is necessary. In a narrow sense, consumer behavior only refers to purchase behavior of consumers and the actual consumption of consumer data. In a broad sense, consumer behavior not only comprises some decision-making processes, which refer to various actions that consumers take for the demand and dispose of consumer goods, but also includes a serious of complex processes, such as t he obtain of consumption revenue (Leon, 2007). Both theory of central place and model of space interaction regard the consumer group activities as the research object. Theory of central place assumes that consumers will tend to a recent center that can provide goods or services, which accords with the agent of economic-man. According to the theory of central place, consumers are intellectual in saving cost and maximizing their utility. Model of space interaction regards that consumer behavior is closely linked to the reaction of center attraction and the competition among other center systems. In real life, purchase decision-makers, buyers, users of the same goods or services may be the same individual, also may be different. Consumer behavior is closely related to the exchange of products or services (Bruce, 2009). In the condition of modern market economy, enterprises research on consumer behavior focuses on establishing and developing long-term exchange relationship with consumer s. In order to earn more profits and make a long-term development in the fierce competition, enterprises should firstly need to understand that consumers are how to acquire products and services, and they also need to know that consumers are how to use products and products are how to be treated after the use. Consumers spending experience, mode and feeling of disposal old products can have an impact on the next round of consumers purchase, in other words, it can directly influence the long-term exchange relation between enterprises and consumers. There are many factors that can have an impact on consumer behavior, and this article will just introduce some main factors (Laura, 2009). The first one is cultural factor. Culture is the basic factor of desires and behavior of human. Different culture can generate different social strata. Due to the diversity of value, consumption, aesthetics and habits of different social strata, they have different ways of choosing pattern, quantity, qu ality, design requirements of products. Consumers of each stratus have their shops and products of adapting themselves. The second one is social factor. Social factor refers to related groups, character and position of family and individual. In purchasing behavior, consumers often use the most general consumption concept and consumer behavior to regulate their own consumption behavior, so related groups around consumers especially their family and good friends have a considerable influence on the purchasing behavior of consumers. The third one is personal factor. Purchasing decisions of consumers are affected by their individual characteristics, such as age, occupation, economic status, lifestyle and self-concept. The fourth one is psychological factor. The psychological factor concludes demand and motivation, consciousness, learning and memory, attitudes. These factors not only affect and in some extent resolve the decision-making behavior of consumers, but also can has enlarging o r inhibition effect on the external environment and marketing stimulation. 2, Apply the theory of consumer behavior to tea drinking With the improvement of living standards of residents and the changes in the concept of consumption, tea drinking has transferred from the former life luxury to daily necessities of life. More and more consumers choose tea drinking as their main drinking, instead of other drinking. There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon, and the main reason is that great changes have taken place on purchasing behavior of consumers. A serious of factors that influence consumer behavior can have an impact on tea drinking (Natalie, 2009). The first aspect is the change of cultural factor. With the change of value and consumption of consumers, more and more consumers choose tea drinking. Natural, healthy, natural regression has become the main health consume trend that more and more consumers pursue. The reason why tea drinking suddenly fire arises is that it meets the consumers needs, and the consumption way of tea drinking meets the requirement of modern way of life. The characteristics of tea drinking can be summarized as three low: low calorie, low fat and low sugar. Natural, thirst, healthy, refreshing, tea drinking is more thirst than carbonated drinks, and is more pleasant than water drinking. Tea drinking is not only elegant, lingering fragrance, rich in health care, bur also has the function of nutrition, health effect and thirst quencher. The second aspect is the change of social factor. If some consumers like the tea drinking, they can affect the related groups, and the last outcome is that some relevant consumers choose tea drinking. The third aspect is the change of personal factor. One of the reasons that tae beverage began to sell lies in that the income level of young consumers has an improvement in recent years. With the increase of disposable income of the younger generation, most consumers regard that bottle beverage is more expensive, but they feel more smart, fashion. People with the characteristics of pop, fashionable and fancy will more choose the consumption of tea drinking. The fourth aspect is the change of psychological factor. Brand loyalty has a lot to do with the consumer behavior of tea beverage market. Due to brand loyalty, consumer behavior can have positive effect on tea drinking. Once consumers like to drink some tea drinking, they will choose the same tea drinking under the effect of brand loyalty. Another reason that more and more consumers like tea drinking is that health consciousness of people has risen. In the past carbonated drinks like cola drinks occupy the absolute superiority in the cool and refreshing beverage market, and drinks with high sweetness are popular in the non-carbonated drinks. The reason is that people think that since purchasing, the higher the nutrition has, the more cost-effective it is. With the lifestyle of high-income people gradually European, people start caring about their weight. Because people pursuit vogue weight as a fashion, tea beverage of low sweetness is reasonably to be accepted by people. People with the characteristics of the pursuit of good figure tend to consume tea beverage. Undoubtedly, it is precisely because tea beverage meets the function and psychology demand of contemporary consumer that it develops so quickly in such a very short time. Consumer behavior has an impact on purchase behavior of consumers, which directly decides the demand of tea drinking. Therefore, consumer behavior has a great influence on the development of tea drinking. 3, Impact of theory on marketing strategies for tea The foundation of marketing decision-making is the research on consumer behavior, which is inseparable with the marketing activities of enterprises. The establishment of marketing strategies for tea is not an exception, and it will be affected by the theory of consumer behavior. The research on consumer behavior has a very important significance on improving the level of marketing decision-making and enhancing the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Consumer behavior can have an impact on drinking behavior, which influences the formulation of marketing strategies for tea, such as advertising and drinking environment (Lee, 2007). On the one hand, there are many kings of tea, if enterprises want to accepted by consumers and establish brand loyalty, it is necessary to emphasize brand image and brand management. Through the research on consumer behavior, enterprises can understand each index of various brands, such as visibility, buy/usage, loyalty, conversion and reputation. Based on understanding image, status and evaluation of each brand in the consumers, enterprises can make better brand development strategy. Tea has many different types, such as green tea and black tea, and different types should lay out different marketing strategies in order to attract more consumers. On the other hand, because people pursuit vogue weight and some consumers pursue nutrition, it is necessary to make market segmentation in the tea beverage market. Market segmentation is the foundation for the formulation of marketing strategies. The purpose of marketing segment for enterprises is to find target markets which are appropriate for themselves. According to the demand of target markets, tea enterprises can formulate targeted marketing plans, in order to more fully satisfy the unique needs for consumers of the target markets (Norton, 2006). Through the effective market segmentation, tea enterprises can divide different consumers into different consumer groups so that they can imp lement efficient marketing strategies to meet the needs of different consumers. In the process of enterprises development, every enterprise has to develop new products in order to meet the needs of consumers. In the course of implementation of new products, tea enterprises can take marketing strategy that every consumer can drink free of charge in a certain period of time so that consumers can accept the new product better. Besides, tea enterprises can give tea of small packing to consumers. Tea enterprises can develop new products according to understanding the needs and desires of consumers and the evaluation of various products attributes. It can be said that the research on consumer behavior is an important source for the design of new products, and meanwhile it is also an important way of testing new products of various factors, such as performance, packaging, taste, color, specifications, which can be accepted and in what ways it should be further perfected. The aim of the dev elopment of new products is to obtain more market shares and meet the needs of different consumers. Natural, healthy, natural regression has become the main health consume trend that more and more consumers pursue, so tea enterprises should blend this trend into their advertising and marketing strategies (Eric, 2004). Consumers regard tea drinking as a fashion, so advertising and marketing strategies of tea enterprises should add fashionable element so that consumers can accept it easily. Through the study of consumer behavior, tea enterprises can understand the way that consumers gain information, the attitude and evaluation that consumers treat advertising and promotion of enterprises, so that tea enterprises can set up set up reasonable and effective advertising and promotion strategies. 4, Statistics on Tea consumption in China According to introducing of tea industry insiders, tea beverage is the fastest-drinks in Europe and America in the 1990s, and it is regarded as a beverage of new era. In Taiwan and Japan, tea beverage has become the first biggest drink variety, and 95% of beverage enterprises in Taiwan produce tea beverage. In recent years, the development speed of tea beverage market in China has exceeded 300%, and tea drinking has become the third drinking after carbonated drinks and bottled drinks, increasing rapidly. According to tea consumption in China, readers can find that the development of tea consumption is China is fast. With the passage of time, the consumption will continue to become larger. The following form is the tea consumption in China in recent years (internet data): year Output(tons) Revenue(billion yuan) 1984 0.66 3.3 1990 1.7 4.4 1995 6.9 23 1996 9.4 35.2 1997 10.5 41 1998 11.6 45 1999 13.5 54 2000 14.4 55.5 2001 15.5 58 2002 17.5 65 2003 20 70 Form the above form we can find that with the improvement of living standards of residents and the changes in the concept of consumption in China, tea drinking has transferred from the former life luxury to daily necessities of life, and Chinese consumers have more and more tea consumption. 5, History of Lipton Tea Lipton is the largest tea brand in the world. It not only represents the tea experts, but also stands for an international, fashionable, urbanization life. Lipton has remained superior quality and aromatic delicious of successive generation for more than 100 years (internet data). With its bright yellow Lipton delivers its purpose to the world: natural light, vigor and good fun. Mr. Thomas once went out to travel and reached Ceylon, a famous tea production area. British people like Ceylon tea very much, but due to the high price of drinks, only few people can enjoy it. Lipton sensitively realized that if he can make the tea enter the mass of everyday life, it will become a good business. Lipton was founded by Mr. Thomas in 1871. In 1890 he officially launched Lipton tea in Britain, and his slogan is direct from tea garden to the tea pot. In 1892, Lipton began its globalization movement. It firstly opened its factories in the United States, and then ran its branches in India, entering the far eastern markets. In 1898, Lipton was conferred dignity by queen, winning the reputation of the king of tea. 80 years after the old Lipton beginning its global expansion of Lipton brand, the history of Lipton occurred qualitative change, and the unilever, the most famous global individual consumer group bought the entire Lipton brand. Since then, Lipton boarded this global ship of unilevel and started its more powerful expansion. Combining the marketing experience of Lipton and unilever, products of Lipton tea now are on sale in the 110 countries and regions. Whether fame or sales, Lipton tea is the biggest global brand in the world, and its sales are higher at least one time than the second-largest brand. At the same time, Lipton tea is the third non-alcoholic beverage that consumers choose most, only after the Coca Cola and Pepsi cola. In 1992, Lipton tea entered the oldest and largest nation in the world: China. Within five years, Lipton tea won the achievements of the fi rst tea bags sales and the first market share in the investigation of mall in China. In 2001, Lipton established its global brand image again. According to different taste of consumers, Lipton makes precise market segmentation, and launches a serious of tea products in order to meet the needs of different consumers. Distinctive brand logo for the new movement of Lipton is quickly popular among young people all over the world. The vitality, healthy and upward that Lipton creates have infiltrated into the heart of young people. Lipton not only creates a kind of brand-new brand experience for young consumers, but also pours a fresh energy into tea drinks. 6, Branding and marketing of Lipton Tea China Tea culture, especially green tea culture has taken root in China for over a thousand years. Under the influence of ancient tea culture, Chinese consumers have a deep understanding about tea and the benefit of tea. Black tea originated in China has become the indispensable tea drinks in Europe and America. However, Lipton tea is obviously an exotic for todays Chinese consumers (Adam, 2009). Using black tea as its core brand, since entering Chinese market in 1992 Lipton has realized that it must break through the traditional branding and marketing gimmick of tea products in order to make Chinese consumers understand and accept Lipton brand. On the one hand, Lipton Tea is guided by the market rather than the product orientation. Lipton divides various products of tea into different categories, constantly creating new tastes and user experience. Aiming the demand of consumers rapidly drinking a cup of tea, Lipton attracts a lot of young people and office white-collar. In the website, Li pton puts several dynamic humorous videos for consumers, delivering the information that drinking tea can achieve the following purposes: keeping lightsome body, representation of youth, getting rid of fatigue and prolonging life. Various functions and different flavors of products can meet different age groups and different needs, so that Lipton can have a clear market goal and pounce in branding and marketing. On the other hand, Lipton devotes to standardization of products and brand image. Due to the reasons of plant environment, picking and making, tea products are difficulty in forming the standardization of taste. Many consumers have not the ability of identification of tea, so tea enterprises have the opportunity of shoddy. With the media exposure and the gradually mature of consumer behavior, it actually is a trust crisis for enterprises. Based on function orientation of products and brand orientation, Lipton has made a good image in the mind of consumers, so standardization of products and brand image is a great wealth for Lipton. In addition, the branding and marketing of Lipton is winning channels and the king of terminals. Lipton uses its strong image in the channel and terminal change the drinking habit of young generation and White-collar. Using the innovation marketing method of internet, Lipton has closely interaction with consumers in the fan BBS, which lets Lipton brand into the life of generation even the mood. 7, Current marketing strategies Besides the high quality and the solid foundation of brand, Lipton never slows the pace of understanding consumers and establishing communication with consumers (Jean-Pierre, 2001). Lipton devotes itself to marketing innovation: brand promotion. The current marketing strategies of Lipton focus on modern young people and White-collar. They are active, like pop culture, pay attention to health and wander about working partners to share little drops of life. Now Lipton values the needs of the Internet boom and the emotional contact between consumers. As the core products, Lipton tea is not only a simple office drinking, but also strives to deeply communicate with office white-collar group in emotional level. Lipton finds that everywhere is busy White-collar in modern city, though they are lucrative, they work strain. Although they want to contact with friends, office life takes most of their time. Lipton uses Lipton tea as a contact link between friends, which can close the relations be tween colleagues through the good office afternoon tea in relaxed moments. On the one hand, Lipton establishes brand image of the tea experts in the targeted consumers. On the other hand, it brings forth healthy tea and life attitude for consumers. In order to satisfy the consumers needs of good form and health, after efforts of four years the global RD center of Lipton and Lipton tea research institute launch Lipton tea, rich in catechin and healthy diet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Physics of Flight Essay -- Airplanes Aerodynamics Science Essays

The Physics of Flight The trials and tribulations of flight have had their ups and downs over the course of history. From the many who failed to the few that conquered; the thought of flight has always astonished us all. The Wright brothers were the first to sustain flight and therefore are credited with the invention of the airplane. John Allen who wrote Aerodynamics: The Science of Air in Motion says, â€Å"The Wright Brothers were the supreme example of their time of men gifted with practical skill, theoretical knowledge and insight† (6). As we all know, the airplane has had thousands of designs since then, but for the most part the physics of flight has remained the same. As you can see, the failures that occurred while trying to fly only prove that flight is truly remarkable. Flight uses four forces: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. In a nutshell; so to speak, an airplane must create enough lift to support its own weight. Secondly, the airplane must produce thrust to propel itself. Finally, the aircraft must overcome the drag or the force of resistance on the airplane that is moving through the air. All four of these forces are vital and necessary for an aircraft to move, takeoff, fly, and land. Wings create lift for the upward force of an airplane. A great example of how this happens is sticking your hand out of a car window driving down the freeway. The force on your flat palm causes a force that can lift your hand up or down by changing the angles of your wrist. Another way to explain this is by the concept of the Bernoulli Effect. According to Kirkpatrick and Wheeler; authors of Physics: A World View, the concept of lift is due to the Bernoulli Effect. They state: â€Å"The upper surfaces of airplane wings are curved ... ...e in any one of these forces leads to a change in the others† (139). A pilot can use many different controls and means of propulsion to change and manipulate the balance of these forces. By doing this the pilot is able to change their speed and change their direction. The Physics of Flight are truly unbelievable occurrences that create amazing effects. Without the concept of flight we would live in a totally different world. Works Cited Allen, John. Aerodynamics: The Science of Air in Motion. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1982. Kirkpatrick, Larry, and Gerald F. Wheeler. Physics: A World View. 4th ed. Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. Shevell, Richard. Fundamentals of Flight. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989. â€Å"How an Airplane Flies,† Microsoft  ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2003  © 1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Problem of Evil through the eyes of Moral Theory

Deliberating on the ‘problem’ of evil involves discussing its theodicy, the aim of which may be characterized in the celebrated writer John Milton’s words as the attempt to â€Å"justify the ways of God to men.† That is, a theodicy endeavors to vindicate the justice or goodness of God in the face of the existence of evil found in the world, through reasonable explanation(s) of why God allows evil to exist among his creation (Griffin 1976). For it to qualify as reasonable, such explanation must conform to (a) a commonsensical world view, e.g. there exists other people in the world; (b) widely accepted scientific and historical views, e.g. Plate Tectonics theory and the theory of evolution; and (c) plausible moral principles, e.g. punishment in general needs to be significantly proportional to the offense committed (Griffin, 1976). For Richard Swinburne (1987, 143) in his contribution to theodicy, ‘an omnipotent being can prevent any evil he chooses, but I deny that a perfectly good being will always try to do so.’ That is, a perfectly good being such as a God who is claimed to be both omnipotent and omniscient, has the right to allow evil to occur as such action brings about some greater good. He expounds on several moral views, such as the most basic good of all – the satisfaction of desire, and above all, pleasure, which he considers ‘a good thing’ (Swinburne, 1987).   However, for Swinburne (1987), the satisfaction of certain desires is not good if this is done for things which are bad in themselves, as pleasure no longer becomes good where the belief needed to sustain it is false. His reasoning follows that God has reason to bring forth into existence creatures with desires for good states of affairs which are satisfied, as desires in themselves are good, except when they are desires for what is bad. If God wants to make creatures sensitive to what is good He will allow them to have desires which are permanently frustrated. It follows that God will not give man endless pain, failure and loss in order to allow one to show proper compassion and grief, but he ‘may well give us some pain, failure†¦ in order to allow us to be involved with each other in ways and levels we could not otherwise have’ (Swinburne, 1987, 145). Good action derives its goodness not merely from intention but from its effects. Conversely, an unsuccessful action aimed at something good is also good for the agent, which is better if done freely or not being fully caused. Thus, it is good for the agent to have free choice as an autonomous ‘mini-creator’ (Swinburne 1987) not totally beholden to the mercy of forces in the universe. The choice of ‘forwarding the good’ becomes a lot better if the agent has free choice between good and evil, and not merely between alternate goods. Free choice of action only comes in choosing between two actions the agent regards as equally good, or between two actions which he desires to do equally, or between one he desires to do more and one he believes is better to do (Swinburne, 1998). God cannot give us the great good of the possibility of intentional, efficacious, free action involving a choice between good and evil without at the same time providing the natural probability of evil which he will not prevent so that the freedom he grants us may truly be efficacious freedom. Thus, the â€Å"free will defense† remains a central core theory of theodicy. In addition, a world where agents can only benefit but not harm each other is one wherein they have only a limited responsibility for each other, and in this sense God would not have given much because he would have then refused to share that responsibility with us. Even more so, it is a blessing for a person if his suffering makes possible the good for others of having the free choice of hurting or harming him, and if the actual suffering would make possible the good for others of feeling compassion for him and choosing to show or not show sympathy, or through providing knowledge for others, i.e. ‘blessed is the man or woman whose life is of use’ (Swinburne, 1998). Various evils and the possibility of their existence, including both moral (the harm we do to each other or negligently allow to occur) and natural evils (animal and human suffering) are thus deemed logically necessary for the attainment of good states. In general, the claim is that we need a similar amount of evil if we are to have the similar amount of good by way of satisfaction of desire, significant choice and serious beneficiary action. Furthermore, God does not inflict endless suffering for there is a limit in time and intensity to the suffering of any individual, i.e. the length of human life. From the perspective of eternity, the evils of the world occur narrowly in terms of number and duration, and more importantly, God allows them to occur for the sake of the great goods they make possible (Swinburne, 1998). Getting the evils of this world into the right perspective involves lengthy long-term and long-distance reflection – things outside of life, e.g. cause and effects, makes a greater difference to the value of that life if one does not arbitrarily confine those things near to life in space and time. Given all these, is such a theodicy adequate to account for the existence of evil in this world? Swinburne (1978, 1987, 1991, and 1998) does raise some valid points and offer convincing arguments yet the researcher is of the opinion that in its entirety, traditional moral theory and this particular theodicy by their lonesome cannot stand alone and fully account for the problem of evil. Various objections could still be raised against this theodicy, such as questioning the intelligibility/empirical adequacy of the argument’s underlying notions – i.e. of free will. Others such as Tooley (1980) and Rowe (1996) propose that just as we have a duty to curtail another’s exercise of free will when one is aware of its use to inflict suffering on innocents, God as well has a duty of a similar nature. Furthermore, it provides brilliant insights but still an inadequate account for the existence of natural evil and its ensuing logical arguments and evidential problem, i.e. the problem of determining whether and (if so) to what extent the existence of evil would constitute evidence against the existence of God. References Chrzan, Keith. 1994. â€Å"Necessary Gratuitous Evil: An Oxymoron Revisited,† Faith and Philosophy 11: 134-37. Griffin, David Ray. 1991. Evil Revisited: Responses and Reconsiderations. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Hasker, William. 2004. Providence, Evil and the Openness of God. London: Routledge. Hick, John. 1966. Evil and the God of Love, first edition. London: Macmillan. Hick, John. 1981. â€Å"An Irenaean Theodicy† and â€Å"Response to Critiques,† in Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Encountering Evil: Live Options in Theodicy, first edition. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, pp.39-52, 63-68. Hick, John. 1990. Philosophy of Religion, fourth edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. McNaughton, David. 1994. â€Å"The Problem of Evil: A Deontological Perspective,† in Alan G. Padgett (ed.), Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honour of Richard Swinburne. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.329-51. Rowe, William L. 1996. â€Å"The Evidential Argument from Evil: A Second Look,† in Daniel Howard-Snyder (ed.), The Evidential Argument from Evil, pp.262-85. Swinburne, Richard. 1977. The Coherence of Theism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swinburne, Richard. 1978. â€Å"Natural Evil,† American Philosophical Quarterly 15: 295-301. Swinburne, Richard. 1987. â€Å"Knowledge from Experience, and the Problem of Evil,† in William J. Abraham and Steven W. Holtzer (eds), The Rationality of Religious Belief: Essays in Honour of Basil Mitchell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.141-67. Swinburne, Richard. 1991. The Existence of God, revised edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swinburne, Richard. 1998. Providence and the Problem of Evil. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Tooley, Michael. 1980. â€Å"Alvin Plantinga and the Argument from Evil,† Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58: 360-76.            

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut essays

Kurt Vonnegut essays He [Vonnegut] had no taste for war; and even less for being a survivor of it. (Blieler 553) When a person faces the hardships of life, he must develop a way of dealing with the dark situation set before him. Kurt Vonnegut, one of Americas outstanding modern authors, certainly dealt with the atrocities of life himself. His experiences during the Great Depression, his childhood, and World War II helped mold his perspective on humanity. Vonneguts means of coping with these horrific difficulties was to see the humor in the midst of tragedy. Born in 1922, into a family who emigrated from Germany in 1848, Kurt Vonnegut was one of three children of Kurt and Edith Vonnegut who settled in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Vonnegut family prospered in a flourishing German-American society. In his early teens, however, Vonnegut dealt with the first major setback of his life. During the Great Depression, his affluent lifestyle became a meager one. His family was forced to move to a smaller, less flamboyant house built by his father, a successful architect (Litz 754). Th e new economic circumstances formed by this Depression traumatized his parents. His father later gave up on life, and after Kurt Jr.s enlistment, his mother committed suicide in 1944 by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. In a later interview Vonnegut confessed: I learned a bone-deep sadness from them [his parents] (Allen 2-3). In addition to the influences of his adolescence, Vonnegut faced the brutality of war. In 1944, Vonnegut was serving infantry duty in Europe, when he was caught behind German lines at the Battle of the Bulge and sent to Dresden, Germany, as a prisoner. In February, 1945, the Allies unleashed a firestorm that essentially annihilated the historic city of Dresden, killing nearly 135,000 thousand people. Luckily Vonnegut was working in an underground meat locker, somehow emerging to the blasted landscape one of ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Yoknapatawpha County

he uses to give such vivid descriptions of his settings and characters is what makes him great. His own non-fictional setting is the stepping stone that he used to give such great imagery. The happenings of Faulkner’s stories occur in a fictional place called Yoknapatawpha County, set in Northern Mississippi. Yoknapatawpha is very natural for Faulkner to describe because it’s familiarity to his own non-fictional Lafayette County. Yoknapatawpha is the country where the Snopes family roams. The Snopes go from place to place traveling the southern terrain that Faulkner grew up in, and is so familiar with. Miss Emily lives in the town of Jefferson within Yoknapatawpha. Jefferson is the non-fictional version of Oxford Faulkner’s home town. He describes Miss Emily’s house if it was on a main street that was once residential, and as time went on became more commercial. Her house was once a place of envy, a big beautiful home. Judging from the employment of Faulkner’s grandparents he was likely very wealthy, or at least much more wealthy than the people around him. He likely grew up... Free Essays on Yoknapatawpha County Free Essays on Yoknapatawpha County Yoknapatawpha County Yoknapatawpha County is a fictional place after William Faulkner’s own Lafayette County. It is where many of his works are staged and carries a legendary reputation in the Deep South. The town of Jefferson is within Yoknapatawpha County and is the fictional equivalent of Oxford, Faulkner’s home town. In the short story â€Å"Barn Burning,† Faulkner uses his familiar Yoknapatawpha County, and in â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† his town of Jefferson. Not only does Faulkner recycle his settings, he does the same with many of his characters. There’s a book by Margaret Patricia Ford and Suzanne Kincaid called the Who’s Who in Faulkner, devoted entirely to explaining how his characters carry over from story to story. Though the roots of his settings and character may not be original, the economy and elegance of the words he uses to give such vivid descriptions of his settings and characters is what makes him great. His own non-fictional setting is the stepping stone that he used to give such great imagery. The happenings of Faulkner’s stories occur in a fictional place called Yoknapatawpha County, set in Northern Mississippi. Yoknapatawpha is very natural for Faulkner to describe because it’s familiarity to his own non-fictional Lafayette County. Yoknapatawpha is the country where the Snopes family roams. The Snopes go from place to place traveling the southern terrain that Faulkner grew up in, and is so familiar with. Miss Emily lives in the town of Jefferson within Yoknapatawpha. Jefferson is the non-fictional version of Oxford Faulkner’s home town. He describes Miss Emily’s house if it was on a main street that was once residential, and as time went on became more commercial. Her house was once a place of envy, a big beautiful home. Judging from the employment of Faulkner’s grandparents he was likely very wealthy, or at least much more wealthy than the people around him. He likely grew up...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Academic Writing in the Digital Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Writing in the Digital Age - Essay Example High school students nowadays write academic essays as well. Universities are also using academic essay writing as a way of selecting the right students for admission and as a way of assessing performance of their students in the final exams especially in the schools of humanities and social sciences. This essay will look into what essays are, what is its importance especially in colleges, skills gained by academic essay writing, multimedia genre that can equip students with the same skills, how the skills will be of benefit to the students after school and how the digital age will address the needs of the digital students. Academic Essay Writing One cannot understand what an academic essay is before understanding what an essay is. An essay can be described as a piece of writing or wittings from an author’s point of view and it can carry some other authors’ thinking with citations from the authors’. An essay can be inclusive of a number of issues from political m anifestos, learned arguments, literary criticism, daily life observations, reflections, to the recollections. There are different forms of essays with academic essays being one. The types are admission essays, film essays and photographic essays. An academic essay is therefore a piece of writing from the writer’s point of view on a particular issue for educational purposes (Ellis & Louise 24). For years, academic writing has been part of college. Students, especially in this digital era, have just been doing it because they had no choice but just to do the essays if they are to graduate. They would do the essays with carelessness or haphazardly just to be done with the painful experience of writing without realizing how important it is to them. Essay writing is not part of the college curriculum to punish or torture students but to equip them with skills that they would use not just in their professions but also in their daily lives (Ellis & Louise 62). Essay writing equips s tudents with a number of skills with the most common one being the ability to write. It is not everyone who can read and write has good writing skills just not everyone who can speak out words is excellent in the language. Essay writing makes one become perfect in this skill of writing because practice makes perfect. One gets to know how arrange their ideas in a systematic and chronological manner (Ellis & Louise 266). Ability to research, use handy information is another skill gained through writing academic essay. When given an assignment to write an essay, more often than not it will include researching for useful information or data. After getting the data from the research, the student will be required to use the information into use in writing the essay. Continuous writing of these essays gradually develops the student’s research skill and the ability to put information to use (Ellis & Louise 260). Few people have the ability to express their point of view whether throu gh speaking or writing clearly. College essay writing comes in handy in helping people with this. This is so because some essays ask the students' point of view about something. As they express their opinions or thoughts about the issue, they develop the skill of expressing one’s thoughts. The skills are developed as expressing through writing first then gradually their ability to express themselves through speaking (Ellis & Louise 32). The other skill that is acquired through writing essay essays is the ability to analyze issues and solve problems. Sometimes essay involve analysis of issues, or giving solutions to problems like say drought, corruption and others. The writing of such essays will require the student to look into such an issue critically and offer way outs. The

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Achilles Will Return After These Messages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Achilles Will Return After These Messages - Essay Example There are three traditional levels of conflict in fiction: man against the world, man against man, and man against himself. The distinguishing characteristic of soap opera is that it takes place entirely on the second level. A soap opera character may have a job or a role in society, or inner conflict, but the most important thing about them will always be their relationships with other people. A soap character might be introduced via an external event, such as a murder or a corporate merger, but they will be defined entirely by their friends, lovers, enemies, grudges, and so on. Soap operas subordinate all other concerns to personalities and interpersonal conflict. To take a recent example ( from popular daytime soap Guiding Light: â€Å"Desperate to redeem himself as a father, Alan convinced Phillip to undergo the bone marrow transplant with Alan as the donor.† The phrasing is key: this isn’t a medical drama or even about saving a life, it’s about Alan trying to redeem himself. In soap opera, the character felt it personally necessary, and no other considerations need enter. Achilles’ behavior through much of the Iliad, that is to say hiding in his tent doing nothing, is often described as that of a sulky adolescent ignoring his responsibilities out of pique. While that reading isn’t far off base, another angle would be to point out that his behavior is that of a soap opera character. Is he tired of the war, or does he have some larger problem? No, he has simply been personally affronted by Agamemnon over t he matter of Briseis, and so refuses to fight. â€Å"Truly the son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon has dishonoured me: for he has taken and keeps my prize through his own arrogant act.† (Book 1, line 355) His feelings are of paramount importance, and the war can go hang. Indeed, within the context of a soap opera, the war is irrelevant. The questions of offense and personal honor are where the story lies. Of course, Achilles does return to the war in time, but why he does so is just as telling. He does not rally heroically just as the Trojans are about to overrun the Achaean positions, as would happen in a war story. He does not come to the realization that some things are more important than his hurt feelings, as might happen in the story of a personal journey. Rather, he charges back into battle when the Trojans have the temerity to kill his lover, Patroclus. To put it another way, he left the war because the Achaeans hurt his feelings, and reentered it because the Trojans hurt his feelings even worse. â€Å"†¦neither doth my own heart bid me live on and abide among men, unless Hector first, smitten by my spear, shall lose his life, and pay back the price for that he made spoil of Patroclus, son of Menoetius.† (Book 18, line 90) If this is not soap opera characterization, it is difficult to say what else it might be. The Iliad is often described as one of the founding documents of Western literature. It is certainly one of the earliest stories to have come down to us roughly intact, and its influence on other works is incalculable. To point out that it is, effectively, a soap opera is not to somehow demean the Iliad, but rather to ennoble the concept of a soap opera. I find it hard, today, to read the Iliad and not think at